Sexual Harassment Complaint Committee

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013

Vidarbha Youth Welfare Society, Amravati’s

Indirabai Meghe Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Irwin Chowk, Morshi Road, Amravati. Maharashtra 444603  (Affiliated to Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University, Amravati) ISO 9001:2015 Certified | NIRF participated

Indirabai Meghe Mahila Mahavidyalaya

About Us

About – About Us

About Us

Founder Member

Management Committee

Local Management Committee

College Development Committee

Indirabai Meghe Mahila Mahavidyalaya has its beginning in 1989 in a bungalow with 45 pioneer students.

There was only a single women’s college in the city of Amravati. Considering the continuously increasing number of girls students, there was a demand among the parents for another women’s college. Most of the parents in a place like Amravati prefer women’s college rather than the college having co-education for their daughters. Most of the parents from rural area do not give higher education to their daughters only because they don’t want to send them to the colleges having co-education. Society felt the need of establishing another women’s college in the city. The President of our parent institution named the college in memory of his loving mother late. Smt. Indirabai Meghe. The college is the second of its kind in the city.

Since its establishment in 1989 Mrs. Meena A. Dhawale, H.O.D. of Home-economics shouldered the responsibility of officiating Principal and nurtured the college with sincere efforts and soon within 5 years it had the strength of 450 in senior wing and 250 in Junior wing.

Since 1999 Smt. Asha Borkar is the Principal of the College.

The Present management of the college is aware of social responsibility towards the underprivileged in the Society. Our institute is one of the oldest Women college in western Vidarbha and it was accredited with B+ grade by NAAC in 20017.