Sexual Harassment Complaint Committee

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013

Vidarbha Youth Welfare Society, Amravati’s

Indirabai Meghe Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Irwin Chowk, Morshi Road, Amravati. Maharashtra 444603  (Affiliated to Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University, Amravati) ISO 9001:2015 Certified | NIRF participated

Indirabai Meghe Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Goals & Objective

About Us

Founder Member

Management Committee

Local Management Committee

College Development Committee

Goals and Objectives of Society.

  1. To provide facilities of education to the people by starting Schools, Colleges, Hostels, Libraries and physical, technical and cultural institutions. To give scholarship to deserving student for continuance of their studies in the institutions under the society or for any further studies of the special not under this society.

  2. To impart, generally to the young generation of India and in particular village youths of Vidarbha districts a liberal and efficient primary, secondary and higher education, embodying literary, agriculture, scientific, technical, commercial, industrial and physical training according to the concept of the society.

  3. To train suitable teachers for the above purposes.

  4. To train village workers for village uplifement and rural industries.

  5. To provide medical aid to the people by establishment.

  6. To open free libraries, reading rooms and average publication to run boarding houses, residential schools.

  7. Socio-economic developments of rural people in general and village youth in particular.

  8. To supplement developmental and welfare activities already in operation under govt. schemes such as community project, N.S.S. and voluntary services to launch pilot projects for starting small scale industries and college industries.

  9. To extent social welfare service by organizing cultural programmes.

  10. To undertaking propaganda for better health, sanitation and agriculture production by organising seminars, lectures, camp etc.

Goals and Mission of the college.

  1. To attain community and social development through intra structural facilities institution.

  2. To ensure and inculcate perfect discipline in terms of regularity, sincerity and punctuality along the students so that they contribute to the society and nation as most responsible and respectable citizen.

  3. The aim at overall personality development to the students through extra curricular activities in association with various social and cultural program programmes.

  4. To provide a platform to the students by giving them an opportunity to tace all the challenges of the competitive world with at most utilization of their potential sports, athletics and other events.